Pokemmo Elite 4 (2025)

1. Elite Four Guide - Kanto & Hoenn - Forums - PokeMMO

  • Jul 23, 2016 · Elite Four is an area in Kanto and Hoenn which consists of four elite trainers and your rival where you'll have to defeat them all one by one in ...

  • Elite Four Location: Indigo Plateau(Kanto) / Ever Grande City(Hoenn) What is Elite Four? Elite Four is an area in Kanto and Hoenn which consists of four elite trainers and your rival where you'll have to defeat them all one by one in a row without using the Pokemon Center to heal your Pokemon(alt...

2. Elite Four - PokeMMO Wiki - ShoutWiki

  • Lorelei · Sidney · Lance · Drake

  • Elite Four are special types of Pokémon Trainers.

3. Elite Four | PokeMMO Wiki - Fandom

4. Hoenn Elite Four Rematch Guide - Forums - PokeMMO

  • Oct 19, 2020 · Hello! This is a "simple" guide for hoenn elite four rematch for those farming for BP (Battle Points) or those who are lazy (like me) ...

  • Hello! This is a "simple" guide for hoenn elite four rematch for those farming for BP (Battle Points) or those who are lazy (like me) farming items and just farm gold in Hoenn. You may have noticed me shouting from Global to Nerf E4 (lol) that is because I have tried multiple ways to establish a ...

5. Sinnoh Elite 4 - General Discussion - Forums - PokeMMO

  • Jun 20, 2022 · Hi can someone give me a suggestion for a team to EV train for Sinnoh elite 4. So fare I was thinking a Garchomp, Lucario, Torterra but ...

  • Hi can someone give me a suggestion for a team to EV train for Sinnoh elite 4. So fare I was thinking a Garchomp, Lucario, Torterra but don't really know what to put as the last 3. Garchomp - I was thinking Jolly/adamant Nature with everything in speed and attack Lucario - jolly/adamant Nature wi...

6. Best Team for E4 (All Regions) ? - General Discussion - PokeMMO

  • Jan 11, 2021 · Looking for a perfect E4 rematch team, like Torkoal + Typhlosion for gym rematches. Are you sure? It's not worth to make a new Elite four ...

    See Also

  • Looking for a perfect E4 rematch team, like Torkoal + Typhlosion for gym rematches.

7. Pokémon League (Unova) - PokeMMO Wiki - ShoutWiki

  • Mar 13, 2024 · The Pokémon League of Unova is the location of the region's Elite Four, who may only be challenged after defeating all eight Unova Gym ...

  • After completing the Elite Four, you will be able to access N's Castle where you will complete the remaining three battles of the main story.

8. Kanto Elite 4 tips/help needed - Forums - PokeMMO

  • Jan 14, 2018 · I'm currently struggling with the Kanto Elite 4 storyline run. What team setups work to beat E4? I've been randomly buying pokes off the GTL ...

  • I'm currently struggling with the Kanto Elite 4 storyline run. What team setups work to beat E4? I've been randomly buying pokes off the GTL to test out different strategies but my cash is quickly disappearing. I've done what i could, currently running Alakazam, Dragonite and Bisharp with a sturd...

9. Lance - PokeMMO Wiki - Fandom

  • This is the fourth elite four member you fight in Kanto. He specialized in Dragon-type Pokémon. While encountered in Johto as well, he is instead the ...

  • This is the fourth elite four member you fight in Kanto. He specialized in Dragon-type Pokémon. While encountered in Johto as well, he is instead the Champion of Johto instead of an elite four member. Has 2 Full Restore

10. Newbie Guide: How to defeat each Elite Four

  • Oct 12, 2022 · Gengar is the MVP. Gengar can solo the entire Kanto Elite four due to its sheer stats and movepool. I recommend a Timid, Hasty, Naive, ...

  • Welcome to the how to defeat the Elite Four Guide! (Newbie friendly edition, of course) This guide will teach you how to prepare for each Elite Four if you do not want to struggle for days and instead just take a few hours to train. This guide will also assume you use your own pokemon and can use...

Pokemmo Elite 4 (2025)


Why are the Elite 4 so hard? ›

These master battlers are so powerful and great at what they do that they have literally been chosen to stand in a room and defeat wannabe-Champions. They're the last stand before the ultimate battle – the League Champion – so they have to be tough.

What happened to the Kanto Elite 4? ›

All of the Elite Four members of Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn are scattered, due to the Rockets' influence. Kanto and Johto also share Elite Four members, due to Lorelei retiring to work on other things and train herself, Lance becoming the Champion of the league and Agatha's death.

What Pokémon are good against Elite 4? ›

So its optimal to have:
  • Infernape for literally half of the gyms.
  • Strong Grass-types like Leafeon and Roserade.
  • Bulky Water-types like Gyarados, Vaporeon, Gastrodon (covers for Ground type as well)
  • Flying-type coverage like Staraptor, Togekiss, and Crobat.
  • Lucario. ...
  • Another tanky Pokemon.
Apr 23, 2023

How many times can you play the Elite 4? ›

You can challenge the Elite 4 and the champion as many times as you want, provided that you are strong enough to challenge them. The E4 will get stronger after the first attempt and sometimes they will add a new team member, so be sure to look out for that when you fight them.

What happens if you beat the Elite Four 100 times? ›

If you beat the Elite Four 100 times in a row, Professor Oak will show up and say "You know what? You know what to do, go ahead without me. I'm going to go console <Rival's Name>." This would allow you to free roam in the Hall of Fame room.

Which Elite Four is the easiest? ›

The easiest Elite 4 has to be Kalos. I don't remember having trouble with any of the Elite 4 - I just beat them all without even suffering one faint on my team.

Who is the strongest Pokémon Elite Four? ›

Lance in Generation One is the strongest Elite 4 member due to his powerful Dragon-Type team and his previous title as Champion. Karen in Generation Two poses a challenge as the final Elite 4 member with her high-leveled Dark-type Pokemon.

Can Ash beat the Elite 4? ›

Ash did battle against a few Elite Four members outside of their official capacity, but he lost to both the Hoenn Elite Four member Drake and the Sinnoh Elite Four member Flint.

Should I use Dialga for Elite 4? ›

You have two pokemon - Dialga and Torterra - who are actually at decent levels to fight the elite four. Dialga is a steel and dragon type, so you don't really benefit from having it until you fight Cynthia's Garchomp lv. 66 (ground-dragon type). Torterra's moveset is below average to put it nicely.

What happens if you beat the Elite Four but lose to the Champion? ›

If I go to the pokemon league, beat the elite four, but then lose to the champion, do I have to fight all of the elite 4 again, or just the champion? You have to fight everyone. Same thing happens as always: You black out and rush to the Pokemon Center.

What to do after catching Mewtwo? ›

After players have caught Mewtwo and emerged from the Cerulean Cave, Trace will appear and tell them to head back inside and look for a girl who was searching for them. Before doing so though, it's a very good idea to heal up any injured Pokemon.

Which Pokemon Elite 4 is the hardest? ›

So, while it may be hard to pick the strongest one at first, there's no doubt that Marshal, the Fighting-type trainer, is the Elite 4 member who has given players the most trouble. Most of Marshal's teams are comprised of 4 or 5 pure Fighting Type Pokemon that can only be defeated with Psychic or Flying-type moves.

What level should I be to fight Elite Four? ›

40+ is generally the realistic level for the elite four. Well for me fighting the elite four took me a little bit of elbow grease.

Who is the hardest champion in Pokemon? ›

Champion Cynthia and her powerful team!! 🔥Hands down the hardest champion in any Pokemon game, even in BDSP I got my team wrecked by her 😂 What are your thoughts on Cynthia's team?

Do the Elite 4 get stronger? ›

The Elite 4 actually gets 2 upgrades in BDSP though. I think the first upgrade is available right way after you beat them the first time. It gives them improved teams based on what they had in Platinum, and the highest level is 78. The second upgrade comes after you clear the first and capture Heatran.


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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

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Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.