1. Elite Four Guide - Kanto & Hoenn - Forums - PokeMMO
Jul 23, 2016 · Elite Four is an area in Kanto and Hoenn which consists of four elite trainers and your rival where you'll have to defeat them all one by one in ...
Elite Four Location: Indigo Plateau(Kanto) / Ever Grande City(Hoenn) What is Elite Four? Elite Four is an area in Kanto and Hoenn which consists of four elite trainers and your rival where you'll have to defeat them all one by one in a row without using the Pokemon Center to heal your Pokemon(alt...
2. Elite Four - PokeMMO Wiki - ShoutWiki
Lorelei · Sidney · Lance · Drake
Elite Four are special types of Pokémon Trainers.
3. Elite Four | PokeMMO Wiki - Fandom
List of Elite Four · Johto
Elite Four are special types of Pokémon Trainers. These battle will always proceed the final battle with the regional Champion.
4. Hoenn Elite Four Rematch Guide - Forums - PokeMMO
Oct 19, 2020 · Hello! This is a "simple" guide for hoenn elite four rematch for those farming for BP (Battle Points) or those who are lazy (like me) ...
Hello! This is a "simple" guide for hoenn elite four rematch for those farming for BP (Battle Points) or those who are lazy (like me) farming items and just farm gold in Hoenn. You may have noticed me shouting from Global to Nerf E4 (lol) that is because I have tried multiple ways to establish a ...
5. Sinnoh Elite 4 - General Discussion - Forums - PokeMMO
Jun 20, 2022 · Hi can someone give me a suggestion for a team to EV train for Sinnoh elite 4. So fare I was thinking a Garchomp, Lucario, Torterra but ...
Hi can someone give me a suggestion for a team to EV train for Sinnoh elite 4. So fare I was thinking a Garchomp, Lucario, Torterra but don't really know what to put as the last 3. Garchomp - I was thinking Jolly/adamant Nature with everything in speed and attack Lucario - jolly/adamant Nature wi...
6. Best Team for E4 (All Regions) ? - General Discussion - PokeMMO
Jan 11, 2021 · Looking for a perfect E4 rematch team, like Torkoal + Typhlosion for gym rematches. Are you sure? It's not worth to make a new Elite four ...
See Also833-444-1855Looking for a perfect E4 rematch team, like Torkoal + Typhlosion for gym rematches.
7. Pokémon League (Unova) - PokeMMO Wiki - ShoutWiki
Mar 13, 2024 · The Pokémon League of Unova is the location of the region's Elite Four, who may only be challenged after defeating all eight Unova Gym ...
After completing the Elite Four, you will be able to access N's Castle where you will complete the remaining three battles of the main story.
8. Kanto Elite 4 tips/help needed - Forums - PokeMMO
Jan 14, 2018 · I'm currently struggling with the Kanto Elite 4 storyline run. What team setups work to beat E4? I've been randomly buying pokes off the GTL ...
I'm currently struggling with the Kanto Elite 4 storyline run. What team setups work to beat E4? I've been randomly buying pokes off the GTL to test out different strategies but my cash is quickly disappearing. I've done what i could, currently running Alakazam, Dragonite and Bisharp with a sturd...
9. Lance - PokeMMO Wiki - Fandom
This is the fourth elite four member you fight in Kanto. He specialized in Dragon-type Pokémon. While encountered in Johto as well, he is instead the ...
This is the fourth elite four member you fight in Kanto. He specialized in Dragon-type Pokémon. While encountered in Johto as well, he is instead the Champion of Johto instead of an elite four member. Has 2 Full Restore
10. Newbie Guide: How to defeat each Elite Four
Oct 12, 2022 · Gengar is the MVP. Gengar can solo the entire Kanto Elite four due to its sheer stats and movepool. I recommend a Timid, Hasty, Naive, ...
Welcome to the how to defeat the Elite Four Guide! (Newbie friendly edition, of course) This guide will teach you how to prepare for each Elite Four if you do not want to struggle for days and instead just take a few hours to train. This guide will also assume you use your own pokemon and can use...